Meet Our Therapists


Dr. Stephen Magee, PT grew up in Walled Lake, Michigan where he was heavily involved in local sports as a player, coach, and trainer. He graduated from Liberty University with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science before attending the University of Tennessee Health and Science Center where he earned his Doctorate in Physical Therapy. During physical therapy school Stephen worked as a certified personal trainer with the American College of Sports Medicine at a local gym training local triathletes, powerlifters, and the general population. 
After obtaining his doctoral degree, Stephen completed an orthopedic residency program and became a board certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. Stephen’s treatment style is based on personalized medicine and his treatment is tailored to the individual in front of him and the goals they are trying to achieve. He has clinical expertise in orthopedics, vestibular rehab, and sports medicine with a history of treating triathletes, runners, golfers, and racket sport athletes. He is trained in manual therapy, spinal manipulation, dry needling, and taping to go along with his knowledge of exercise and the human body. He enjoys treating with an evidence-based care approach that is rooted in developing great relationships with patients in order to help them thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally. 
Stephen and his wife Rebecca love the greater Detroit area. They have 2 kids (Judah and Levi) and look forward to being involved in the community.

Dr. Sam Zinnecker, PT received her bachelor of science in exercise physiology and her doctorate in physical therapy from Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. While there, she spent time working in the Biomechanics and Motion Analysis Lab helping to understand and reduce injury in D1 athletes. She also had the pleasure of learning from world renown professors and researchers who make up the physical therapy school staff at Marquette. 
Once completing her doctorate in physical therapy, her education did not cease. Her passion for learning has led her to take countless continuing education courses. Her post-graduate course work includes, but is not limited to, dry needling, performance enhancement, blood flow restriction training, advanced rehabilitation of the baseball player, managing running injuries, the McKenzie method, Mulligan manual therapy techniques, and vestibular diagnosis and treatment to name a few. She constantly has her nose in a research article and spends her free time keeping up with the latest treatment practices for her clients. If there is something she does not know, she will find the answer. 
Sam is not only an exercise physiologist and a doctor of physical therapy, but she is also a champion performance specialist (C-PS). What does this mean? It means that she is able to build performance-based therapy and training programs to optimize movement and enhance performance. She assesses how you currently move and designs a program to take you to the next level in your fitness and/or athletic goals.
Being an athlete herself, she has had to deal with the consequences of injuries. From having surgery to going through her own rehabilitation, she knows what it is like to not being able to do what she loves. She is passionate about helping people of all ages return to what they love to do – pain free and with improved abilities.  When she isn’t working, you’ll find her nose in a journal article, chasing after a toddler, lifting weights, or partaking in a game night.