Physical Therapy for Runners


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Treating and coaching runners is a specialty that Dr. Paige Mulchrone has focused on throughout her PT career.  Paige, being an avid runner herself, noticed the large amount of injuries distance runners experience over their running careers.  The startling rate encouraged her to problem solve and get runners back to what they love, as well as prevent them from injuries in the future.  She has worked with numerous local running stores and groups in Nashville the past 5 years. 

Common injuries that runners experience include: sciatica, IT band syndrome, knee osteoarthritis, hamstring strains, and achilles tendinitis.  Paige helps runners return to what they love safely, step by step guiding them through progressions of mileage and cross training.  Her advanced trigger point dry needling and running coaching certification, combined with her manual therapy skills help her get to the root of the problem and prevent it from coming back.  Paige will help you return to running and achieve your goals.